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Scholarship Recipient


UCLA School of Law

Isha Thornton

Isha Thornton was born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland and is an alumna of the University of Miami, where she graduated summa cum laude with a degree in Public Relations and a double minor in Business Law and Music Business & Entertainment Industries. While in undergrad, she ran her own swimsuit business and anchored for seven consecutive semesters on a University of Miami Television (UMTV) show called “The Culture,” which was the first and only show on the University of Miami’s campus dedicated to the Black experience. As someone who has always been immensely passionate about the entertainment industry, she naturally covered all things Black entertainment within her role as head anchor on the show!

Thornton is currently a second-year J.D. Candidate at UCLA Law. At UCLA Law, she is a Patricia and John Mitchell Achievement Fellow--- full-tuition scholar---and her specific scholarship was named after donors who wanted to increase diversity in the entertainment industry. She is also the Senior Events Chair for the Entertainment Law Association, the Recruitment Chair for the Black Law Students Association, and an Admissions Ambassador for the UCLA Law Office of Admission. 

She also has experience working in different sectors of the entertainment industry broadly. She interned at Sony Music Entertainment and 42 West---a prominent entertainment public relations firm---while in college; and she spent six months interning with Ziffren Brittenham LLP---a prominent entertainment law firm---during law school. She also plans to spend her 2L summer as an intern at an entertainment company. 

Outside of school and work, Thornton is also passionate about giving back. She founded her own community organization--Assist & Lift--- where she helps minority students apply to law school for free! She also created a network of over 40 Black/Brown law students and attorneys who serve as additional mentors for the applicants. 

Thornton ultimately aspires to become a successful entertainment attorney in Los Angeles who is dedicated to both increasing diversity in the legal profession and increasing representation entertainment industry! 

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