Volunteer Opportunities
Join a Committee!
Volunteer members needed. Contact the Committee Chair, if interested.
Supervising Attorney and Judge Volunteers Needed for the State Bar Provisional Licensing Program.
The California Supreme Court recently lowered the passing score for the Bar exam. The Court also authorized a program to let people who took the exam in the last five years that would have passed under the new score earn bar admission through a 300-hour provisional licensing program. A provisionally licensed attorney must be supervised by a California attorney with at least four years in practice, two of those in California. SUPERVISING ATTORNEYS AND JUDGE VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED!
Langston has joined with the Beverly Hills Bar Association to present an information session for potential volunteers to learn more. Click on link to register:
Call for Articles!
Langston is looking to include valuable and insightful articles in the monthly newsletter and on the Langston Law Institute Education Resources page launching soon.
Topics and Length: Articles should be on timely topics of interest to attorneys and can include opinions about recent court case decisions, practice tips, or scholarly analysis and can be general or apply to a specific practice area. Articles should be between 800 - 1,000 words in length. Acceptance of article will be based on whether article fits within the topic description and is determined to be informative for Langston membership. Citations should be in ENDNOTE format and conform to Harvard bluebook rules.
Submission Guidelines: Submissions should be emailed to info@langstonbar.org and include: Author's contact information and Article in word .doc format. Upon acceptance, all authors will be required to submit a short bio (50 words or less), headshot (high res jpg digital file), and a release form.